What Are the Health Benefits of Spinach?
Understand all the ways the mighty leafy green helps your body, raw or cooked. By Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD Of all the leafy green vegetables, spinach is one of the most versatile. You can add it to smoothies, enjoy it in a chilled salad, steam and sauté it as a side dish, add it to … Continue reading “What Are the Health Benefits of Spinach?”
Heart Healthy Chili
Ingredients Directions: Toppings:
How to Start Drinking Less
Ready to drink less, but don’t know where to start? Source: Division of Population Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Find What Works Small changes can make a big difference in reducing your problems related to your drinking. Whatever strategies you choose, give them a … Continue reading “How to Start Drinking Less”
45 Is the New 50 for Colorectal Cancer Screening
Ginny Kincaid, MPH Health Communication Specialist Lead for CDC’s Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign You may have heard by now that the new recommended age to start colorectal cancer screening has been lowered from age 50 to 45. When we started to think about messaging around this age change, we jokingly threw … Continue reading “45 Is the New 50 for Colorectal Cancer Screening”
Tips for Fighting Common Winter Health Issues
The winters are a magical and exciting time for many, but they also bring with them a flurry of health issues, such as the common cold, cough, sore throats, and much more. No matter how much you love to play in the snow or sit beside the fireplace, these issues will leave you with no … Continue reading “Tips for Fighting Common Winter Health Issues”
How Does Stress Affect Your Body?
Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that disturbs our internal or external environment. Physical, mental, or emotional stress can cause various reactions in the human body. Although stress levels vary from person to person, most people experience some sort of physical or mental reaction. Stress is most often associated with feelings such as … Continue reading “How Does Stress Affect Your Body?”
How to Have Your Healthiest Winter Yet
They say that summer bodies are made in the winter. But while your focus should be on doing things that make you feel good in your own skin instead, we say that winter is the perfect time to start getting fit and healthy so that you’re ready to enjoy plenty of outdoor fun when warm weather … Continue reading “How to Have Your Healthiest Winter Yet”
Top Five Tips for Addressing Your High Cholesterol
More emphasis has been placed on the need for healthier lifestyles in recent years, including maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Cholesterol refers to fat or lipid carried through the bloodstream, and maintaining optimum levels is an important step towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The effects of cholesterol on our health are widely known, though many people … Continue reading “Top Five Tips for Addressing Your High Cholesterol”
Mental Health and Physical Health: Their Connection
Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It revolves around how people feel, think, and behave. It has an impact on daily living, physical health, and relationships. On the other hand, physical health refers to the well-being of the human body and the effective functioning of organs. In the past, people defined physical … Continue reading “Mental Health and Physical Health: Their Connection”
How to Better Manage Your Allergies
An allergy refers to the immune reaction of your body to foreign substances known as allergens. Allergens could be substances that are ingested, inhaled, injected, or touched. Most common allergic reactions result in coughing, rashes, a raspy throat, running nose, itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing. In cases of a severe allergic reaction, patients may suffer … Continue reading “How to Better Manage Your Allergies”